Business Services
Providing resources to help Businesses and their workforce develop the skills to become successful
About us
Business services engage with a diverse range of employers to promote business representation on the local board and develop effective linkages with employers to support local workforce investment activities. Develop and deliver innovative workforce investment services and strategies for employers, which may include career pathways, skills upgrading, skill standard development and certification for recognized postsecondary credential or other employer use, apprenticeship, and other effective initiatives for meeting the workforce investment needs of area employers and workers.
Offer appropriate recruitment and other business services on behalf of employers, including small employers, which may include services such as providing information and referral to specialized business and services not traditionally offered through the one-stop delivery system. Provide assistance to employers in managing reductions in force in coordination with rapid response activities and strategies for the aversion of layoffs, which strategies may include early identification of firms at risk of layoffs, use of feasibility studies to assess the needs of and options for at-risk firms, and the delivery of employment and training activities to address risk factors.
ADressing the needs of LOcal businesses
Business Services Can Help Your Business Grow and Workforce Thrive!
Connecting Employers with the Resources to Succeed
Our Services
Layoff Aversion / Rapid Response
Recruitments / Regional Job Fair
Subsidized Services
Incumbent Worker Training
Tax Incentives
Employer Workshops
Layoff Aversion/Rapid Response
If your business is facing a significant transition, including potential downsizing, closures or layoffs, our Business Services Rapid Response team is here to assist. Our mission is to help employers avert layoffs whenever possible, minimize the impact employers and/or employees, and prepare laid-off workers for rapid reemployment.
Recruitments/Regional Job Fairs
Recruitment, Regional Job Fairs, and Hiring Services connect you to a wide and diverse pool of qualified candidates, trained and work-ready talent to meet employer demands and support business growth. SELACO WDB will quickly match the right candidate for the right position, saving employers time and money. Employers who qualify may receive up to 50% in wage reimbursements for participating employees.
Subsidized Services
On-the-Job Training – Allows employers of all sizes to train new hires the way the employer sees fit, while saving significant training costs and lowering turnover.
Work Experience – Businesses have the opportunity to provide training and connect participants to work experience to assist in meeting their bottom-line. The work experience program promotes hard & soft skills, work habits and skills for new employees who have limited prior work experience or who have been out of the labor force for an extended period. 100% of participants’ wages are covered by SELACO WDB.
Incumbent Worker Training
SELACO WDB can assist in developing a training program that builds and advances the skills and knowledge of current employees, saving employers time and cost of recruiting new employees. While giving your current employees greater opportunities for mobility and career development, you will have a workforce that is competitive, responsive, agile, and productive.
Improve your recruitment efforts and build a sustainable pipeline of skilled workers with a registered apprenticeship program. SELACO WDB will assist employers in creating an effective apprenticeship program that combines work-based learning with customized curriculum that attracts a diverse pool of candidates.
Tax Incentives
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers who invest in American job seekers who have consistently faced barriers to employment. Employers may meet their business needs and claim a tax credit if they hire an individual who is in a WOTC targeted group. The Disabled Access Credit (DAC) offers employers incentives to assist small businesses cover the cost of making their businesses accessible to persons with disabilities. The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is available to eligible employers that paid qualified wages to some or all employees after March 12, 2020, and before January 1, 2022. The Homeless Hiring Tax Credit (HHTC) Established a tax credit for employers to hire eligible homeless individuals. The tax credit can max out at $30,000 for an eligible employer in a taxable year.
We offer programs to help the workforce grow and develop new skills. The Work Experience program is designed to assist an employee gain skill, knowledge and enhance their employment history, Selaco WDB also covers 100% of the wages for this program. The On-the-Job Training is a way for the employer to give their employees more training to advance their skills and knowledge with SELACO WDB helping with up to 50% wage reimbursement.
Employer Workshops
SELACO WDB in partnership with the SBA, SBDC, Operation Hope, and LAEDC offer Employer Workshops to assist small businesses meet their bottom-line. Employer workshops offered are as follows: capital, tax incentives, workforce & economic development, contracting, business law, counseling, and many more.
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Let’s Work Together
Our Blog
Women in Business
In the article “How Women in Business are shaping the future” By future Learn, the history of women in business is highlighted and can be dated back to as early at 1870 B.C. with a woman from Northern Iraq being successful in the trading network. In more recent...
See What Our Clients are saying
“Premium Windows would like to take this opportunity and Thank each staff member for the spectacular meeting. We appreciated the engagement/education in which your team supported Premium Windows. The communication was spot on and the valuable time each of you took out of your schedule to answer associates’ questions was valued. Continue pushing forward by helping one person at a time.”
“The SELACO Workforce Development Board provides employers with vital resources to small businesses. SELACO has hosted many job search events where we were fortunate to participate in. This opportunity led us to hiring of four great applicants. We are very grateful to SELACO for assisting us with Quality candidates. Our experience with Lillian has been very pleasant. She is extremely helpful and understands our business needs. We highly recommend SELACO to any business in the local area.”
“The Small Business Revitalization Grant allowed us to reimagine how we utilize our space, from depending on revenue from rentals to a more mission-focused revenue creation through our artisan shop, that ultimately supports local creativity”
Partner Programs
DOR Workshops:
DOR offers orientation virtual workshops that provide an overview of services that DOR provides. Other virtual Workshops include, but not limited to:
SMART Goals, Soft Skills, Career Assessment, Diversity and Inclusion and Transferable Skills. Anyone enrolled with DOR and has a disability can attend, but anyone just interested in DOR can attend too. Connect with on-site partner, Chaz Vesga for more information
EDD Virtual Workshops:
Must be registered in CalJOBs to attend any online CalJOBs workshop, Labor Market Information or Career Exploration (Cantonese / Mandarin) virtual sessions. Please go to “Events Calendar” to register online. For registration assistance, please send contact information via email to the following address: at least 24 hours prior to the event.
Toastmasters International:
Since 1924, Toastmasters International has been teaching Communication and Leadership skills in a fun, friendly atmosphere. In 2005 the SELACO Workforce
Development Board opened a Toastmasters club to better assist SELACO WDB customers in preparing for job search and interviewing. Since that time, hundreds have benefitted from the speaking skills and support provided by our club, the LUNCHTIME LEADERS which meet every Wednesday from Noon to 1pm. Connect with Tammy to learn more. SELACO also houses a Spanish-speaking Toastmasters Club, which meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, from 6:00-8:00pm. Anyone interested should connect with Paty Dominguez, or Tara Luna.
SCORE Small Business Mentorship:
SELACO has an on-site representative from SCORE available by appointment for one-hour slots. SCORE, the nation’s largest network of volunteers and expert business mentors, is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals. SCORE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Thanks to this generous support from the SBA and because of the selfless contributions of more than 10,000 dedicated volunteers, they are able to deliver most of their offerings at no cost. Connect with Tara Luna.
Collaborative Community Network (CCN):
There is a new feel to CCN – our long-standing collaboration of partners has gone Virtual! CCN now meets every other month via Zoom. Our new format supports guest speakers on key workforce topics, partner engagement and continues to support three working committees. Committees represent stakeholders committed to Business Engagement, Serving Target Populations and Young Adults. Connect with Tara Luna, Corina Coronel, or Tammy Ferranti-Lawnsdown to learn more about these committees and how you may get involved.
In California, the Employment Development Department (EDD) is a department of government that administers the Unemployment Insurance (UI), Disability Insurance (DI), and Paid Family Leave (PFL) programs. SELACO has onsite “Workforce Services” Customer Service representatives onsite who help customers navigate the EDD website. It is especially important to note that SELACO WDB is NOT an EDD satellite office. The EDD representatives are unable to access UI Claims directly, but EDD customers can feel free to use the EDD direct phone line in the career center. Connect with EDD staff or SELACO staff.
Salvation Army Veteran Employment Services:
Assists unemployed and underemployed veterans with a customized approach to career development. As a veteran-centered employment program, they provide both the direction and resources that will allow veterans to meet their employment goals. Customers can meet with a representative onsite on Wednesdays. Connect with Tammy Ferranti-Lawnsdown, Amber Hernandez or Corina Coronel to learn more.
United American Indian Involvement (UAII):
To promote and support the physical, behavioral, and spiritual well-being of American Indian/Alaska Natives in the urban Los Angeles area by providing comprehensive, integrated services that focus on all age groups and incorporate American Indian/Alaska Native cultures and traditions. The local UAIII is located on the same floor as SELACO WDB. Connect with Tammy Ferranti-Lawnsdown, Corina Coronel or Amber Hernandez to learn more.
Operation Hope:
Operation HOPE is a for-purpose organization working to disrupt poverty and empower inclusion for low and moderate-income youth and adults. They equip young people and adults with the financial tools and education to secure a better future—coaching them through their personal aspirations and life’s challenges and facilitating their journey to financial independence. In partnership with SELACO,
Operation Hope offers a 4-week entrepreneur training course where students can learn how to create a business plan, how to market using social media, how to gain access to credit and much more. The course was originally conducted on premises at SELACO WDB, but now available virtually online. Connect with Tara Luna to learn more.
10900 E. 183rd Street
Suite# 350
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 402-9336